Please provide as much information as possible so that we can offer the best solutions for your company.
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Full name*
Company Name*
Country Name*
E-mail address*
Telephone No.*
Project name*
Evaporation temperature, low temperature (in °C)
Cooling capacity, low temperature (in kW)
Evaporation temperature, medium temperature (in °C)
Cooling capacity, medium temperature (in kW)
Ambient temperature (in °C)
Returning gas temperature (in °C)
System design pressure
Low 50barMedium 60 barHigh 80 bar
MT Compressor quantity
LT Compressor quantity
LT Compressor Inverter
Parallel Compressor quantity
Capacity (in kW)
Liquid type
Inlet temperature (in °C)
Outlet temperature (in °C)
Gas cooler bypass valve
Hot gas dump
Stand-still cooling + UPS
Additional HP (high pressure) valve
Additional FG (flash gas) valve
Add file File
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