Please provide as much information as possible so that we can offer the best solutions for your company.
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Full name*
Company Name*
Country Name*
E-mail address*
Telephone No.*
Project name*
Heating water accumulation – heating/ventilating systemChilled water accumulation – cooling/ventilating systemMultifunction – combi systemDomestic water heatingOther
Project restrictions:
Diameter (without insulation)
WaterDomestic waterEthylene glycol – waterPropylene glycol – waterOther
Fluid %
Buffer tank volume
S235JRG2 (1.0038) carbon steel outside paintedAISI304 (1.4301) stainless steelAISI316L (1.4404) stainless steel
Max working pressure (Pmax)
Non-pressure6 bar10 bar
Insulation type
Insulation thickness in mm
50 mm Polyurethane100 mm Polyurethane20 mm Armaflex40 mm Armaflex60 mm ArmaflexOther
Click on the connection guide. Select the options listed below according to the drawing that is shown. If there are more combinations of connections, please describe them in the Comments section or contact the manager.
Number of connections
Row (x)
Axis (y)
Size of connection
G 0,5inG 0,75inG 1in (DN 25)G 1,25in (DN 32)G 1,5in (DN 40)G 2in (DN 50)G 2,5in (DN 65)G 3in (DN 80)G 4in (DN 100)DN 125DN 150DN 200DN 250
Comments section
Buffer tank fluid
Buffer tank fluid %
Buffer tank fluid temperature °C IN
Buffer tank fluid temperature °C OUT
Heat exchanger fluid
Heat exchanger fluid %
Heat exchanger fluid temperature °C IN
Heat exchanger fluid temperature °C OUT
Surface area in m²
Finned tube condenser (WRKS23 Q=10 DT -25 °C)
Additional options
6kW – 3~400V, IP54 immersion electric heater with integrated thermostat9kW – 3~400V, IP54 immersion electric heater with integrated thermostatAK – accesories kit for CS/HS/DS/CT/HR series buffer tanksA module/WRP – cold water replenishment unit according EN1717 & EN12897 (for DHW systems only)ICCP – impressed current cathodic protection system against corrosionMg Anode - sacrificial anode in cathodic protection system against corrosionLP – legionella protection unit (for DHW systems only)ZN – galvanized steel sheet cover (for installation outdoor)AISI – polished and brushed AISI304 stainless steel sheet cover (for instalation outdoor)MH430 - 430 diameter additional inspection flange in the front sid (recommended)Diffusing pipes – for maintaining a more uniform temperaturePartition – water separation and flow rate reduction system
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